Product description
100% varkensvlees, zacht gekruid
This product contains soy, celery. Attention: the composition of our products may change at any time. Cross-contamination is always possible.
85 % Varkens, 13 % Marinade neutraal(87 % water, 13 % tendrine( zout ; conserveermiddel E 262 ; vezel ; zuurteregelaar E 331 ; glucosestroop ; aroma's), ), 2 % shoarmakruiden(Labeling: zout, specerijen (bevat SELDER), smaakversterker: E 621, gehydrolyseerd plantaardig EIWIT (SOJA), gedroogde groenten (look, ui), kruiden, dextrose.), 0 % roodal flussig(paprika-extract, sorbitol- technische hulpstof),