Keurslager Derycker

Paschka choco

Product description

Smeerpasta, gepasteuriseerde Koemelk


This product contains soy, milk. Attention: the composition of our products may change at any time. Cross-contamination is always possible.


plantaardige oliën en vetten (palm, koolzaad), gehard plantaardig vet (kopra), verse halfvette kaas (25%) (MELK), suiker, MELKchocolade (6%) (suiker, volle MELKpoeder, CACAOboter, CACAOmassa, emulgator: SOJAlecithine, vanille-aroma), fondant chocolade (4,5%)(CACAOmassa, suiker, emulgator: SOJAlecithine, vanille-aroma), pure hagelslag (4%) (suiker, CACAOmassa, magere CACAOpoeder, dextrose, emulgatoren: raapzaadlecithine, arabische gom) (MELK), SOJAprotEIne, wEIpoeder (MELKl, emulgatoren: SOJAlecithine, mono- en diglyceriden, stabilisatoren: guargom, xanthaangom, conserveermiddel: kaliumsorbaat, aroma.

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